Joey Hancock

Joey always knew that he was a traveler on this journey even back in his early years. In the seventh grade he won a state-wide essay contest.  In his high school years he was always on stage building school spirit. As an Eagle Scout, he developed the ability to communicate leadership principles. In his sophomore year in college, Joey won the college wide speech contest where he received the Hallum Speech Award and a standing ovation from the student body.

Since then, Joey has been on stages all across America. He has been asked to speak for high schools, colleges, seminaries, civic clubs, churches and corporations. As an outdoor TV personality, professional guide and outdoor writer, Joey speaks at many Wild Game Dinners and Outdoor Events. Joey and his dogs have been a part of the Quail Unlimited Celebrity Hunt. Corporations such as the Georgia Farm Bureau, the Georgia Forestry Association, Allgood Pest Solutions and various Districts of the Boy Scouts of America have used Joey, plus many others.  Joey was asked to address the United States Coast Guard Academy and his address was distributed to military Chaplains across the world. After Operation Desert Storm, Joey addressed the soldiers on base at Fort Stewart, Georgia.

The Georgia Writer’s Association named Hancock “Georgia Inspirational Author of the Year 2006″ for his book Success Afield, BH Publishing, Nashville, TN. Joey’s second book Stories He Can Tell, Tog e’ Bog Publishing, Snellville, GA has been nominated for the same award for 2011. The Christmas Golden Retriever is Joey’s newest book released in November 2015 by Tate Publishing, Mustang, OK. Songs For the Planet, Inc of Nashville, TN signed Hancock to a songwriter contract and also a comedy record deal “The Thinking Man” that was released by PPMI, Nashville, TN. The CD topped the iTunes and Art of the Mix charts for the first full week of its release.

Born in Greenville, South Carolina, Joey now lives with his wife in Georgia. He graduated Parker High School, North Greenville College, Furman University and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He was awarded an Honorary Doctor of Divinity Degree by Immanuel Baptist Seminary.

For twenty eight years Joey was a full time career pastor. The next eight years he was with one of America’s oldest religious organizations in America, the American Tract Society, as Vice President Baptist Networking. Many Christian and secular organizations have used Joey in the design and development of manuals and strategies for their projects. Now, Joey travels full-time, speaking and writing His message of comedy, encouragement and success.

Acoustical music is a big part of Joey’s journey. He plays both the guitar and mandolin. Presently, his is an endorsement artist for Morgan Monroe Acoustical Instruments. Bluegrass venues across the country frequently use Joey for good down home fun. He has opened for Grammy winning Ralph Stanley and the Clinch Mountain Boys and ‘Lil Roy Lewis and the Lewis Family, the First Family in Bluegrass music, Charlie Louvin and many others. In November 2016 Joey was inducted into the Atlanta Country Music Hall of Fame.

An avid outdoorsman, Joey was listed as one of the “Top Ten Turkey Hunters” in Alabama (1991) and has been on the pro staff of a number of outdoor companies. He has been a professional guide for quail and turkey for over twenty years. He speaks at many Wild Game Banquets and outdoor events all across the country.  He was the Chaplain for a NASCAR Busch racing team for a few years.

Saving the best for last, Joey is a strong family man. He and his beautiful wife, Pam, have been married for 47years. She often travels with Joey and plays the stand up bass in their bluegrass band. Getting to meet her is a strong reason to have Joey for your event.

They have two children, Stephanie and Jay. Stephanie and her husband, Dale who is a School Principal, have two children Preston and Kimberlin. Stephanie is a professional personal trainer and life coach. Jay is a graduate of the College of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Georgia and is a Veterinarian in Walnut Grove, Georgia. With all those bird dogs, Jay has been a big part of the team.

From this strong foundation, Joey draws both illustrations and principles that will entertain and encourage your audience. After the event, Joey will remain for a handshake and a howdy.

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